lucknow,ontario | bale bandit man allll the way we have 2 do about 100,000 bales a year between the two looksw mint all u need is 3 long spears the long thin red one i think they r about 54 inches they r long mount on a bucket abuot 4 feet wide five i dont know exactly works out to a bale and skip one then the next one so you drive up push it over on its side then spear it then drive away works mint can pick ones up with one broken band as long as the good one is on the top you will not be dissapointed people say they r always broke down and whatever they just dont know how to fix stuff beacuse a hundred thousand bales betweeen 2 in 2 months dont lie we have had them since 01 i guess pallet forks work too but remember dirt holds moisture and moisture makes hay go very very bad and they dont slide off to nice been there and done that spears work you can go two high and carry no problem into a truck we actually go to a semi in the feid then home the thing i dont like about a bale barron is this you bale a bale of hay and it nice and tight then you come back to this bale of hay and it is so lose the strings come off well times that by 21 you have 10%shrink on theat hole package so you have one knoter not tieing so your down to 3 strings then it shrinks lol been there and done that too we had a barron hear for the summer it left and another bandit showed up the straps r alittle more money but they r applied tighter and r very very strong and by the time the hay shrinks they r still snug for each his own but we will never be getting rid of yours and for others reading this email me with your problems and see if i can help they r VERY predictable when you have run them this long they dont have too many different tricks lol i hope this helps | |