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How do you pick up Bale-band-it or Bale Baron bundles?
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Posted 4/6/2011 00:49 (#1710816 - in reply to #1710743)
Subject: Re: How do you pick up Bale-band-it or Bale Baron bundles?

Downtown Shell Knob MO Come Visit!
I understand the reasoning and the demand perfectly. Thats just a lot of cha-ch cha-ch cha-ch, We used to run 3 small inline balers. Now we run a big baler and just rebale them into small bales as needed. Works great with everything but alfalfa. But then again. The alfalfa markets usually is just as high by the ton as it is in quality small bales. Unless you have some sort of amazing marketing channels.
Ive just about given up on alfalfa. A guy has great year and bales great alfalfa and everyone brags on him for 15 minutes. And then he does everthing the same the next year. and stays up at all hours of the night baling hay and bla bla. And does more worrying about rain and moisture and humidity. And then everyone is mad that he doesn't have a supply of good alfalfa like he did last year. And then when he sells them the stuff that had to be day baled, Or has some surface mold, they come back complaining, even though he explained it was poorer quality and it was priced accordingly. And the dairy guys that buy a lot of hay are no different that the horse and show people that buy 5 dollars worth. They all want a bargin! Or they want to complain. Usually both.

On the flip side you can put different grass hay or straw in a small bale and sell it for 200 dollars a ton and never recieve anything but praise for your product. I know things are different out west where it doesn't rain and high humidity is 8 percent.
Ill still raise alfalfa, but only for one customer. MYSELF
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