![](https://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v348/159/63/1099205527/s1099205527_152156_6478.jpg) Brazilton KS | What gets me is when you get a machine back and there are foot prints all over....on things which clearly are not intended for foot traffic, like fenders and hoods. When you see me standing on the hood of your pickup then I suppose you can assume it's okay to stand on the sheetmetal of my machines, but until then, display a little bit of intelligence. I called the tire man once because of a flat tire on the dozer tractor which I was using to rebuild terraces. Gave him a couple hours, then returned to the field after I saw his truck headed back toward town. That's funny....tire is flat. Call him back to see if he had worked on someone else's tractor, but no, he'd fixed mine, told him he probably ought to go back and do it again, because it was still flat. He said the tube had split at a seam, and he went through two more brand new tubes before he found one which didn't have the same defect in it. |