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EZsteer...bonkers again
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   Forums List -> Precision TalkMessage format
Posted 6/4/2006 13:51 (#16959 - in reply to #16804)
Subject: Re: EZsteer...bonkers again

Leesburg, Ohio
Thanks for the info, guys. I didn't really pay attention to the arrow yesterday, it was so far off. The arrow on the PF3000 was usually cocked to one side a bit this spring when logging varieties on the planter.
I reset everything on the EZ to defaults this morning, set a new AB, and it was right on when I turned around. Always before (even when it worked OK) I could never use the EZsteer on the original AB (yes, I had the "guide on AB" switch on) but this morning, it worked fine. Since I reset to defaults, I had to recal the T2. This time it set a 0.8 degree tilt comp number...yesterday it was 47.0. I had it hooked to a full sprayer yesterday when I calibrated, and the water was sloshing around some...unhooked from the sprayer this was good. Trying to calibrate with water sloshing probably wasn't too smart...operator head space error. Sprayed three fields before lunch just now, and guidance and steering worked fine.
Thanks again for the help!
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