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How do you know what is a good pallet fork?
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Posted 3/5/2011 08:15 (#1651304 - in reply to #1651277)
Subject: Re: How do you know what is a good pallet fork?

central - east central Minnesota -

lancef53 - 3/5/2011 06:59 I would go for something larger than the 4000 lb ones. If your skidsteer will lift over 2000 lbs, chances are at some point all of its lift capacity is gonna be directed to one fork--ask me how I know. My hired man bent a 3 month old set of Virnig 4000 lb forks with my 257B (2300 lb rated)

That and a guy uses just the last 3-6 inchs of the fork to pry a rock or something and it bends/breaks the fork.

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