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Morton Shed - Sliding Door Guides
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Posted 6/9/2007 08:00 (#160316 - in reply to #160307)
Subject: Thanks for the quick replies

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
Thanks for the quick replies and ideas. A picture is worth a thousand words.

The shop end will get the most use and will have an overhead door. The storage end will not see as much use and the plan is for a 18 x 36' aluminum slider. I may regret that decision.

The door guide issue is a long way off and the immediate concern is site preparation. I need to determine the exact location of the corners and the elevation very soon.

I am concerned about the elevation for several reasons. I obviously don't want it too low, but raising the elevation too much may cause problems with the existing dooryard. I need considerable fill on the machine storage end which is away from the dooryard. Increasing the elevation will only add to that problem.
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