Agent Orange: Friendly fire that keeps on burning. | The deal I made on the EZ-Steer came with my choice of one bracket. I chose the one for the Challenger 75. Doesn't look like it would be a big deal to change the position if the motor ends up being in the way. I intend to start out somewhere between the 1 and 2 o'clock position and go from there. Nice thing about the Challengers is; you don't need to go around and around with the wheel to turn 180°. If you normally grab the wheel with your left hand, gripping it at the 10 o'clock will allow you to turn short either way without tangling up with the EZ-Steer servo motor. I don't know about the rest of you, but $75 each for the brackets seems a bit pricey for something a guy can make in a couple hours with less than $5 worth of new iron and bolts. |