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Early IH tractor cabs
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Larry NCKS
Posted 12/28/2010 09:21 (#1510859 - in reply to #1510842)
Subject: Re: Early IH tractor cabs

Washington, Kansas & Lincoln, Nebraska
I'll hafta get a pic of her digitized. Dad bought his first diesel in 1969. A new carry over 656. The dealer had a takeoff cab and a take off IH wide front from something. Dad had dealer switch narrow front to wide and install the Allen cab. I think that photo album is at the Lincoln house or I'd get it now.

Course I could go take a pic of the old wreck. After dad quit using it, my brother took it over and let it go to pot. They took the hoods off for some reason and never bothered to put them back on, etc. Dad had caught it on fire in 1995. I rebuilt and repainted it then, but one sure can't tell it now.
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