
| Here's the formula for determining peak height & capacity that my ins. company uses
cone = Dia. x Dia. x .2618 x Height / 1.25
determining peak height:
corn peak height = .42x(0.5xdia)
beans peak height = .47x(0.5xdia)
F>S>A.'s formula for determing bin capacity & pack factors
Dia. x Dia. x .7854 x Height x .8 x pack factor = Bushells
pack factor for corn
56# TW = 1.018 61# TW = 1.093
57# TW = 1.033 62# TW = 1.108
58# TW = 1.048 63# TW = 1.123
59# TW = 1.063 64# TW = 1.138
60# TW = 1.078 65# TW = 1.153
Edited by boog 11/17/2010 00:48
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