Not only did I is say "Transportation system" I also said "airplane". I also said in the very next paragraph, "Is being searched before getting on an airplane a PITA ?? Disturbing,?? slow,?? demeaning,?? well OF course it is.. But read the news much ?? Airplanes are a perfect weapon,, High speed, long distance travel, accurate (managed to hit 2 towers..) and most important Very High Profile news when used..." You are woahfully inaccurate and off base trying to compare walking into a parts store and getting onto an airplane and trying to declare your rights against "warrentless search". There is a strong likehood that a NAPA store will never be flown into the Seattle space needle, Empire State building or Tower of London. It is truly sad you did not read my entire post.... "Think I pretty well discussed my discust with NTSB'S complete failure to monitor "Air Freight",, Janet Nitwit is WAY OVER her Head in the security area. Does NTSB need to improve ?? YOU BET ! Only One airline Company has Never (to my knowledge) ever had a terrorist attack. Look at the Israeli Airline.... So,, yah,, improvements are needed. NTSB is suffering crainal rectitus,, and totally reactionary in their approach to security. They are always "right on the ball" with security AFTER something happens. Remember the shoe bomber,?? after that everyone had to remove their shoes. Nitwit and her "multi-layered approach to security" is Ignorant to say the least. If there is going to be security,, there has to be a solid "line" drawn somewhere in the process where nothing passes that "Line" without being deemed secure. The downside to that is millions of people/millions of tons of freight being air shipped,, not an easy undertaking. If you have a better mousetrap to securing those "weapons" don't be bashful please SPEAK UP! Far as your freedom,, you are free to express your freedom and not get on an Airplane,, no "warrentless search" issues, rights completely intact. At some point Train travel will be in vogue and just as popular as Airplane travel. And,, at that point there will likely be very similar security issues. The real difference is that "weapon" is very limited,, it's impossible to "fly" a train anywhere and strike buildings anywhere... America failed miserably years ago in securing the borders as it should have,, So now the vermin is already inside the castle walls.. So now a different approach has to be utilized. Had America not suffered collective Crainial Rectitus and kept the Castle walls secure,, this whole situation could have been avoided." OK,, now READ that Last Paragraph again...... and again....... What should have been simple by a collective failure, has now turned into a complete security mess/joke. Had the Castle walls been secured, there would be NO "rights issues" and "warrentless search" concerns. Recall where I spoke of the "line" ? that is where the line should have been drawn years ago,, on entry into the USA by "anything" or "anyone" wanting to enter the USA. Edit,, In response to malls, or sporting events,, Ever notice for as huge as malls are,, there is a choke point/security point,, the Doors,, don't think there are camera's pointed at the doors?? there are. There are also camera's throughout malls. Far as sporting events,, I don't go but a friend who likes to watch the SeaHawks,, said they always have to go through a security point before getting into the Foodball game. And yes, people are searched. So what is your answer? Do nothing (as in do not search people) and have airplanes flying into towers or planes being blown up again just so your "rights" aren't violated ??? (Remember Lockerbie Scottland??) .. ...
Edited by 95h 11/14/2010 11:25