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cat 95e what can you tell me about them
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Posted 10/26/2010 22:05 (#1409408 - in reply to #1409065)
Subject: Re: cat 95e what can you tell me about them

SW Iowa
95e is very reliable, simple tractor with a lack of electronics that laden newer tractors. The only thing on the 95E electronic is the engine. As long as you keep good fuel filters on them and change them often the engine is pretty reliable. If it has a bunch of hours, just plan on putting new injectors in it. I believe that the 95E will ride much better then a 9400t. The 95e has an airbad adjustable bogie setup, and the Deere is all solid. I suspect that the Deere will use more fuel in the same job. The only advantage the 9400t MAY have is if the conditions promote slippage of the driver in the track. If the 95E has good drivers as far as wear, and the Chevron patter(like a tractor tire tread which it should) it should net good performance. Cat went to a larger driver in the MT line because as power goes up, the small driver just doesn't have enough surface area.

I would stay away from cast drivers, and 35" tracks. The only good place for cast drivers is in very muddy conditions. 35" tracks wear poorly and the cause worse the usualy vibrations. Remember that a 95E was the pinnacle and the last tractor that originated from a group of dozer engineers that built an Ag tractor. The driveline is largely bulletproof, is simple and maybe even a little crude by todays standards.

The only tractor that I would pick over a 95e for a high hp drawbar tractor, would be an Mt855/Mt865.

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