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Has anyone dealt with randall bros. in OHIO??
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Posted 10/25/2010 17:26 (#1407362 - in reply to #1407348)
Subject: Re: Has anyone dealt with randall bros. in OHIO??

Southcentral WI
I agree, northern tractors can be problems too, but in my experience southern tractors are run in tougher soils, left in the elements more often, and operated in larger operations with less regard to equipment care/condition. Now this is NOT limited to the south, as there's an operator up here that's the same way, but in general if we find out that a tractor has come from the south there's going to be little to no interest in it around here.....and by south I mean TX, LA, GA, MS, FL, TN, AK, OK, AB. I frequently have customers ask me about SN's on tractors they're interested in, and if we find that they originated in the south, they immediately lose interest, especially with sprayers. Imports, completely out of the question up here. Sporadically you see them, but dealer's won't touch them unless it's done for the right money, which means little to no risk.

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