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Can you add moisture back to 13% corn?
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Gerald J.
Posted 10/7/2010 03:03 (#1386706 - in reply to #1386556)
Subject: Re: Can you add moisture back to 13% corn?

Not with the fans. I don't have my drying book handy but the best I recall, 60 degree fog is in equilibrium with 13% corn. Something like that.

An ISU EE professor once was experimenting with microwave drying and found that while he could re wet corn with water, it wasn't the same and didn't dry like normal wet corn. Drying is a biologic process, its not just boiling away the water, the corn has to give up the water and the dry air just moves it away. So the rewet corn hasn't recombined the water with the kernel in the same way the natural water was. I think also that rewet corn is quick to mold.

Gerald J.
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