North Central Illinois | Mike, I'm sure you can rebuild your machine cheaper than upgrading but I really question if you can truly recondition that combine for $10,000. We've been down that road putting a ton of money in a machine only to have to spend more money on it down the road a year of so. If you are in a position to do so I would upgrade. If you want to run a 30' platform you really need an 88. You might get by with a 2577. Same machine as a 2588 just less ponies. I can tell you that with drilled beans 30' is all our 2388 really wants. Don't be scared of running a six row on an 88 with singles either. We have been doing it for years and get along just fine. People will tell you that you can't keep the machine full enough. We run about 4.5 to 5.0 mph in 180 to 250 bu corn and seldom have issues with rotor loss. We never went to an 8 row because we have trouble keeping corn away from a six row with an 850 bu cart and two semis. All an 8 row would do is keep the combine waiting on trucks all day. If you decide to upgrade I would go one of two ways. The first would be something one to three years old that has about three or four hundred hours. The second would be to find one a few years older with more hours that has been rebuilt from stem to stearn and well cared for. You don't want to buy a bunch of someone elses problems. It is always important to find out where the machine came from so that you can get some idea of how it was cared for. A very big decision. Good luck. | |