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Bumble Bees
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Dave Cen.Ia
Posted 8/15/2010 22:29 (#1317392 - in reply to #1317278)
Subject: Re: Bumble Bees

Nevada, Iowa
Normally I do live and let live. I would be all for moving the implement and letting it go but I will need to have repeated passage to this area for the next several weeks. I am not going to wait for a killing frost to proceed with my activities and I am not going to work at night just to accommodate the bees. If I could see some way to accomplish my goal without repeated exposure to stings, I would have done that.

I have a couple of open front sheds that attract barn swallows, I will put cardboard or tarps over the machinery in them just to accommodate the birds. There is some nuisance with them but I enjoy watching them work and benefit from the bugs they consume. I don't have to kill everything I see, just the stuff that can't be reckoned with.
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