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Lilliston Cultivator pics for Plowmaster and others.
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Adam Suess
Posted 8/1/2010 01:26 (#1295989 - in reply to #1295934)
Subject: RE: Lilliston Cultivator pics for Plowmaster and others.

Hanska, Minnesota
I have a 16-30 littleston on orthaman bar. I use it in small crop set to throw the soil to the center of the row. I set the spiders at vering angles depending on how hard the ground is, but generally not too steep. Makes a small mound that is usially not noticeable in fall. Works great on small weeds pulled at speeds up to 7 mph. In tall crop I have had trouble with the spiders riping down corn or pulling leaves off the beans. I only tried to throw soil on the row once. The ground was too hard and weeds too big, it did not work too well. I have a IH 153 that works better for that. I usially pull mine with a 2255 Oliver no lift assist not sure how heavy it is. The Oliver 3pt is rated 6,000# 24" behind the lift arms its maxed out on the littleston. Dads 8100 pickes it up with ease. A Meridian must be real heavy? Spent thousands of hrs pulling littlestons. Use to have 2 12-30's one with 3 spider gangs the other was a 4 gang unit. We would start in late may and cultivate almost every day it was fit untill mid july. still my favorite feild work but only did 100 acres this year.
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