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Lilliston Cultivator pics for Plowmaster and others.
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Posted 7/31/2010 21:11 (#1295689 - in reply to #1295615)
Subject: RE: Lilliston Cultivator pics for Plowmaster and others.

Sumner GA, Located in southwest GA,
Have a pair of 4 rows with the diamond bar. One is now less spiders and just sweeps. Want to put coulters on that one and make me a poor man's hi residue cultivator. Other one has the gangs but needs rebuilding, bearings mostly. Had a Lilliston Rip Bed N Plant that used the spiders to hill up, works good clean, didn't like much trash. Also have a Lilliston Rolling Harrow, basically a disc harrow with spiders replacing the discs. Makes an awfully nice seedbed in clean land, can take some trash as well. Thing is stupidly heavy though, 8 foot and must weigh about 3000 pounds, it is heavy.
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