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JD 8850
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Posted 3/31/2007 20:05 (#128883 - in reply to #128822)
Subject: Re: JD 8850

Minot ND
well there is lots of them around north dakota, one farmer in western middle has 6 8850s, he was his share of broblems, 2 have water in the oil one is a kinze, that one scored a piston and it does not pull as good the v8. there is another farmer with 2 8850s , he has verrylittle trouble. another one by valva that the engine locked up, he sold it to kinze. I found out through some old enginers at deere that deere had devoloped 6 different designs of the 8955 adressing each problem , deere decided to go with eather 2 or 3 to cut costs.
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