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8700 Ford Tractor?
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Posted 7/2/2010 21:44 (#1258564 - in reply to #1258407)
Subject: Re: 8700 Ford Tractor?

I can't imagine how you'd wear that engine down in 4000 hours unless you gave the smoke screw about 2 full turns upwards? I've got a couple of 3 cylinders of the same geometry, one of which has had the snot pucked out if since day one. It's got broken rings on one hole right now, and to be honest it's had them since 2 years now... but that's probably the result of having run it with a bad valve for a while too... For what I do with it now it's good enough until I get around to fixing it... but the point being that there is a reason for it's poor health.
The other one is running strong at 7-8000 hours as are all of my 4 cylinders.

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