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8700 Ford Tractor?
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Posted 7/2/2010 17:03 (#1258407 - in reply to #1257795)
Subject: Re: 8700 Ford Tractor?

Southcentral WI
Tractors are very reliable. 401 cid engine did give problems if coolant wasn't changed/flushed every so often, do mine at every 3 years. Cylinder walls will pit if not maintained. Can get a boatload of power out of that engine, rest of tractor will take it also. Basically the same as an original 8000 ford from the sixties, block right on thru, with the exception that there's dual power on the tranny now.....ten times better than any TA out there. Reliable. Have 12000 hours on mine, seem to rebuild every 4000 hours actually, and maintenance isn't a problem here, she just gets tired at those intervals. But for haywork, shouldnt be any issues.

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