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50 years and still going! (pics)
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Posted 5/18/2010 23:09 (#1205224 - in reply to #1205067)
Subject: Re: 50 years and still going! (pics)

Northern Idaho
farmertim - 5/18/2010 18:59

Really neat !! Did the Cats come with the cabs or did you add them later? Would like to see some pics of the inside of the cabs.

Ya got any elk ya need me to come up there & thin out for ya ?? LOL Do they eat lentels ??

Ours did not come with cabs, that is part of the reason cats became less popular in the 70s. Several companies locally built cabs so nearly all the cats got them eventually, many were installed before delivery. The latest model steel tracked cats from 1977 on had factory cabs as shown in the pic.


I will get some inside the cab pics if I can.

Yes elk love eating the lentils, we have depredation cow hunts sometimes to control them.
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