Roseglen, North Dakota | You covered a lot of territory in your post. Will try to address your issues with my opinion(s)
~Tho the 955 and 903 have their similarities, the differences are numerous
1. Overhaul kit for 8850 would be pushing $10k
2. Labor would be way more involved on 8850, remove front end, roll front axle out, on and on, not nearly as simple as Versatile (what tractor is?)
3. That being said, 8850 vs 950 is like comparing Mercedes to Chevrolet, 8850 will have more power, better cab, better hydraulics, unequaled ride.
Tho I personally feel the 8850 will outperform the 8960/8970, you have to really want the 8850 (for its ride and power), if you had one 'go down' on you, you could easily be up to be price of 8960/8970 in a hurry. If you are diligent in your search for 8960/8970 you can find 8960's for $45k (one in ND paper right now for that price) and you can add PT0 for $11k max, and less if you find a used PTO attach. (The main components for PTO are the same from 8960 up to 9620)
So do you spend $55k (probably as cheap as you'll get) for 8960 and have peace of mind or $25k for 8850? You've got 30k to play with if you buy 8850, it's entirely possible engine will never give a problem. The "New York" conversion for the 8850 (spinoff of the Kinze kit) is $12-15k, find a used 855 and overhaul it for $5-6, you still have less in the 8850.
The 8960 I am referring to is near Fessenden, Just knowing the guy, would say it's clean.
8850's have been good to us, will be interested in what route you take... | |