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The theory of a dirt clod...
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Posted 4/24/2010 17:29 (#1172852 - in reply to #1170582)
Subject: Re: The theory of a dirt clod...

Revere Missouri very northeast corner.
No Im not contradicting myself. ON our heavy ground we seen a yield drop after several years of it for some reason. Light ground seemed to make no difference. The people I know that notill farm light ground or hills and have no heavy ground so it works for them. I believe it would work in this area but to be honest to many farmers like to see black dirt when they farm and the other great thing about small town farming is others think you are lazy for not working the ground and some cant stand that. I think the tools for notilling have came along way from when we did it with the problems of not getting accurate depth in the clay hills to managing the trash in the rows and having minimum till tools when the ground is alittle too wet. (If notilling worked around here You would see alot more of it is like saying if tracked tractors were the best thing out there you would see alot more of them.) People are set in there ways and not always willing to change the way they farm.

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