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The theory of a dirt clod...
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Posted 4/23/2010 14:43 (#1171479 - in reply to #1171329)
Subject: Re: The theory of a dirt clod...

Saronville NE
Another negative on notill Im finding out more and more is when the neighbors are all going on ridgetill and conventional on a dreary damp cloudy or misty drizzly day Im sitting because we cant get thru the trash of COC. Last 3 days been that way here and now rain last nite, 180 acres in 3 days with a 16 r planter equals very disappointed and very anxious customers, but when the trash is bad and it wont work when damp what you going to do. Normaly do more then that in a easy day, but not last 3 days. Getting fed up with NOtill fast this year.
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