s.e.mn. | i was in no hurry to get another , but i was scared at how i could keep the old one going not underwarranty without going broke , it was 2900 extended warranty or 7500 trade .
b.t.w. this tractor has never seen manure , it plows some driveways in town , moves a little rock and trees, and unloads seed and and freight truck
i tried all the way to pa , to ark, and neb , i could only give it away , i didn't want to take a 20k. kick in the rear to get another tractor that no dealer localy would service because it wasn't bought from them
detroit , i'm curious , what would you have done that would have been such a fantastic change? i guess" I " don't get it
Edited by chief1403 3/28/2010 14:17
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