just a tish NE of central ND | You are talking about a surflex tiller. I have a JD surflex tiller. Its been sitting so long that last fall I had to doze a tree grown through the frame that was 12 foot tal already.You pulled it "ONE WAY" and followed the furrow it made just like you do when you pull a statiopnary plow. Its turning/steering mechanism was about as stupid as it gets.You couldn't turn to the right even when it was ouf of the ground.Its discs roll just like a gang of disc blades on a regular disc, but at more of a straight drag instead of a gentle angle.. It had a large cast and steel wheel weighted down in the furrow in back to keep the draft to a minimum. If you hit hard ground it drafted and took off sideways and took a much wider pass of ground.It did a fair job of blackening the soils and clipping off the weeds.It hated Rocks.(broken discs and shafts) I hated working on it.(regular job if you used it much) |