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Does anybody still build one-way discs? A lot of the
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Posted 3/18/2010 23:17 (#1126361 - in reply to #1126312)
Subject: Re: Does anybody still build one-way discs? A lot of the

North Central Kansas
Don't know about building, but we bought one last year.
We used it to work the south end of a field we flood irrigate. I got
I got tired of all the tail water going to the neighbors crop!
We also used it to move dirt out of the channel of our terraces. They had problems with standing water, this worked like a charm!

For you old is one.
Today at an auction we saw a flip plow...I do not know if I am saying this right or not. It is like a roll over, but a much much earlier version.
It had 2 plows and you went one way, then pulled a cord and could then travel back the way you came. IT worked the same as a roll over, but just built different, and was only a 2 bottom.
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