Central Saskatchewan Canada | monse - 3/28/2025 14:20
I recently hurt my shoulder and it is looking like I might need surgery. I have been trying some physical therapy but i am continuing to lose mobility. Today my arm is the worst it has been with maybe 25% movement. Physical therapist believes it is rotator cuff as well as a torn bicep. MRI will be the next step. Not exactly an ideal time right now as springs work is about to start within the next couple weeks.
I have done some reading on recovery times but would like some real life thoughts from other farmers on what returning to farm work looks like. How long before I could drive a tractor with my good arm and the bouncing around in the cab not affect my recovering arm? How long until I would be able to use my recovering arm to reach out and turn a nut onto a bolt and use the impact with my good arm to tighten it?
I guess I am wondering if I hired my crop seeded, would i be recovered enough by spray season to do my spraying if I had someone to help load the sprayer (my 18 year old daughter could pour jugs and hook up hose with me supervising, however i would probably need to clean a nozzle from time to time in the field myself or clean a plugged filter). Or would recovery to that point of mobility/use look more like late summer/early fall before I can be lightly using my arm? Just trying to decide if I could get back to farming by spray season and be fully recovered by harvest (mid August for wheat here) or will recovery take longer in which I consider renting the farm out for one year (which I believe is a possibility)? After labor is paid for seeding and spraying, I might be better off renting out my land for one year. Thanks for any advice.
Not sure how old you are but people do farm with one arm. Which arm is it? |