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The Pyramid discovery looks an awful lot like the Neutrino detector in Antartica
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Posted 3/28/2025 12:27 (#11165191 - in reply to #11163362)
Subject: RE: The Pyramid discovery looks an awful lot like the Neutrino detector in Antartica

Central Alberta
dko_scOH - 3/27/2025 06:29

Yes, absolutely. It is my understanding that the ancient Egyptians were perplexed by neutrinos. How, for example, were neutrinos able to travel at the speed of light, something only seen in massless particles? For some time, they were thought to be massless. But by the Middle Kingdom, pharoahs were talking openly to the contrary. Simhopset demonstrated by the 7th dynasty that neutrinos could change "flavor," which explained the prevalence of tau neutrinos coming from the sun, but necessitated that neutrinos have mass. It is quite obvious that these pyramids were, in fact, highly sophisticated neutrino detectors, built thousands of years ago, as Egyptians worked out the specifics of the Higgs boson and resultant Higgs field.


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