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Lighting for the new kitchen
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Posted 3/28/2025 10:21 (#11165034 - in reply to #11164608)
Subject: RE: Lighting for the new kitchen

nw/nc iowa on the banks of West Buttrick Creek..
This is old info but we were building a new library and spent a lot of time driving the country looking a different libraries lighting. Were told to bounce at least some of the lite off of a white ceiling, I think we did it right. Can't believe how bad some of the lighting was in some brand new libraries, also you could sure tell when volunteer labor was used to finish some project, outlets going horizontally and bad tape jobs on dry wall, I always got the neighborhood drunken drywaller to do my work, 45 years later still can't see the seams. Drunk or sober there are people who know their stuff and can do a professional job.

Edited by alnciowa 3/28/2025 10:22
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