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Retirement Finances question
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Posted 3/28/2025 08:25 (#11164863 - in reply to #11164791)
Subject: RE: Retirement Finances question

coast of Maine
Boone,I know that you are very wise in financials.I have this fear (in the back of my mind in all transactions with banks/stocks etc)of the day it all goes to heck.I always think of the people whom own gold certificates and there are 10 times more certificates than gold.The stock market blowing out completely or even a terrorist event.There seems to be no real insurance for that remote possibility.Maybe I am thinking too much on fears that I cannot control.So if I have seeds/ammo/house in the country as a bit of security along with stocks/bonds I could sleep well.I know I would be paranoid living in a retirement home/area with no options .....Am I nuts?
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