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Calf with scours?
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Posted 3/27/2025 22:42 (#11164562 - in reply to #11163887)
Subject: RE: Calf with scours?

Hard to tell. It could be too much milk which will not hurt a thing or you may be seeing something very serious. If it were one of my Holstein heifer calves I would take it off milk and give it Resorb at least twice a day for four or more feedings. Clean out the system as the problem is caused by milk. Don't switch to milk until the scours stop. Many will claim there are better products than Resorb but I haven't seen it.

Pepto Bismol can work wonders sometimes when all else fails. The real stuff is the best.

Years ago I used sulfa pills but antibiotics screw their guts up big time and really don't help unless the calf has a temperature from some other ailment. I lost 1 heifer in 10 years from scours in our 80 cow herd. Milk replacer kills more baby calves than anything on earth.
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