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Calf with scours?
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Phil A.
Posted 3/27/2025 20:11 (#11164310 - in reply to #11163887)
Subject: Sulfa Pills

Western Ohio
I keep a bottle of these little pills and a balling gun handy this time of year. Seems we will have different bouts of it. I blame it on really wet weather the stupid calves go to drinking out of any stupid mud puddle or pizz puddle they find, and I think that gives them the yellow lightning. My rule is if I see the piles, you have, and I see a smeary butt they get a pill if I can catch them. If they dart away too fast and I cannot catch them then no pill. Just carry the pills and balling gun in front pouch of my sweatshirt. Doesn't really scare me to much treating probably makes me feel better a much as anything, I guess.

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