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Post below about Dry AMS vs Liquid AMS --why not ATS?
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Posted 3/27/2025 16:29 (#11163996 - in reply to #11163861)
Subject: RE: Post below about Dry AMS vs Liquid AMS --why not ATS?

mercer county, il
Well, for starters ATS is extremely phytotoxic, even at 5% of the spray solution, it will ugly stuff up bad.

And the rest is basically a chemistry point of view, the free sulfates in AMS bind with hard water cations, essentially softening the water, and the ammonium portion helps most chemicals a bit. Whereas with ats, even in a burndown, I’ve seen a tank mix with roundup miss even grass, which I consider the damage the ats is doing is preventing the glyphosate from entering the plant effectively.
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