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Had an interesting job interview today .
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paul the original
Posted 3/27/2025 09:05 (#11163514 - in reply to #11163217)
Subject: RE: Had an interesting job interview today .

southern MN
That’s a hoot. When those doing the correcting need to be corrected. Always happens to me to. Too. Two. Also?

Tommy would do well in some more independent types of jobs. More solo task oriented.

If he needs to fit in with others and be one of the crowd doing the same as others, I would look for other applicants.

His replies to the questions help show what he would be adapt at, and what he would not be suited for at all. Blending in can be a useful skill for many assembly line type jobs or the army. Many people are not good at blending in.

Of course, I can be completely wrong.

It’s good to put the best people in the best positions. We hope the interviewers are as good at their job as the jobs they are hiring for. They can match up the right personalities for the right positions.

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