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Can you convert $350 rented ground to grass
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Posted 3/24/2025 12:53 (#11160113 - in reply to #11160032)
Subject: RE: apparently cattle confinement bars, or a thing of the past.

West Central Iowa
ahay68979 - 3/24/2025 12:07

Get grass out of yr mind and plant like rye, mega green things like that and yes it can be done.

We have been trying it on a small basis on fsrm that attaches to feedlot. It has been penciling better than corn. Stock close to 2.5 head per acre, graze hard and move on intensive grazing deal.

My pencil shows works better to run stockers then pairs on it.

Exactly, we get more out of an acre of rye than an acre of grass by far. After rye you can go to multiple things that will out produce grass also. It wouldn’t surprise me if you could carry well over three times as many cattle per acre if not going to permanent grass in our area.
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