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Do I need to work my corn stalks in?
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Posted 3/24/2025 12:01 (#11160023 - in reply to #11159986)
Subject: RE: Do I need to work my corn stalks in?

I'm pretty sure that I will know the answer (no tiller love these questions). I'm conventional til also. I run over my corn stalks with something (usually my disc chisel) in the fall. But, I have a landlord (owns 40 acres of woods, his yard and 12 acres of farm ground). He wouldn't let me touch it so his deer herd would stay around. The last time this happened, I disced it, ran over it with a field cultivator and planted. It was a disaster. A disc in the spring is the worst thing I can use. I'm spraying it and no tilling it (I have a no til drill). Hoping for the best. I guess it doesn't really matter as the deer will eat half of it off.

Edited by AGB 3/24/2025 12:02
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