| Take a look at this Penn State Extension article on liming. Specifically, look at figure 3. It shows how fast lime will react with the soil as a function of the fineness of the lime. So, the more fineness the lime - the higher % of the particles passing thru a finer mesh screen - the faster the lime will react. Without looking at this article, I would have said the lime will have reaching its maximum reaction activity with 6 months. However, this is a ballpark number. Figure 3 gives a better answer to your question. So, you really to know the % of particles pass thru various meshes to know how fast it will work. As far as Hi-Cal vs Hi-Mag, with your soil test values posted, you probably should have used a Hi-Cal lime. However, it is not the end of the world. Hi-Mag lime has both Calcium and Magnesium in it. It is just Hi-Mag lime has more Magnesium than Hi-Cal does, but Hi-Mag lime does have both in it. As I suggested above, it would be beneficial to go back to soil test again to see where you stand. How soon you do that depends on how bad you want to know the answer - whether 6 months, 1 year, or 2 years after lime application. |