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Grazing oats
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Posted 3/24/2025 07:48 (#11159665 - in reply to #11157632)
Subject: RE: Grazing oats

West Central IA
I started a new pasture by grazing oats. I planted 3.5 bu. oats, 50 # of field peas and 3# purple top turnips. Started grazing 20 pairs on 13 acres June 5 and moved cross wire 2 times per day for new feed. Trailing wire was moved 1 time per week. I would feed big bales if there was a big rain to prevent damage to seeding. After 1 time across the turnips were knee high on the first grazed and the cows would pull them and crunch on them. Lots of management to make the most of the feed. The cows took till August 10th to complete the first pass.
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