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Pics for SOILCattleman
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Posted 3/22/2025 15:20 (#11157738)
Subject: Pics for SOILCattleman

Frederick, Md
Here a a few pics of our set up.

I sort in the barnyard and run cows behind the alley and around to the tub. Once in the chute they can be sent forward, to the right, or back around where they came from. The alley feeding the trailer load out is to the left of the tub, just swing a gate.

The main part is where the office door opens. Once the vet has loaded his guns opens the office door and within 2 steps he is at the palp cage ready to implant.

The large pen is used to house close ups or whatever needed during the winter, and sale calves are broke and worked in that area. I have the ability to have 5 separate single cow maternity pens to the right of the big pen.

Lots of things are still temporary as I hate doing something permanent and then saying wish I did it this way. I also like the ability to switch things around as needed.

(IMG_6795 (full).jpeg)

(IMG_6791 (full).jpeg)

(IMG_6792 (full).jpeg)

(IMG_6793 (full).jpeg)

(IMG_6794 (full).jpeg)

Attachments IMG_6795 (full).jpeg (192KB - 30 downloads)
Attachments IMG_6791 (full).jpeg (222KB - 27 downloads)
Attachments IMG_6792 (full).jpeg (197KB - 25 downloads)
Attachments IMG_6793 (full).jpeg (188KB - 22 downloads)
Attachments IMG_6794 (full).jpeg (181KB - 25 downloads)
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