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NCSA and collage baseball recruitment
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Posted 3/22/2025 12:44 (#11157604 - in reply to #11157211)
Subject: RE: NCSA and collage baseball recruitment

Cleveland, MS. Own small farm near Booneville, MS
We have had some of the football players participate in some of our college student activities. One guy was a wide receiver and was 6’ 5” and had been the star of his high school basketball team. He could have gotten a basketball scholarship as easily as he got the football scholarship. I asked why he chose football. One word: Money. He had hopes/dreams of going pro. He did get to the arena football league but Covid brought that to a screeching halt. Also, I learned that only football players get full scholarships. Almost all other sports only get partials or academic scholarships. That may be one reason why there’s no foreign students on the football team.
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