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NCSA and collage baseball recruitment
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Posted 3/22/2025 07:33 (#11157217 - in reply to #11156743)
Subject: RE: NCSA and collage baseball recruitment

For baseball, I'd say you're 100% correct. A high school classmate of mine, her son played summer ball on the East coast all four years through high school. He'd also come back when he had a break(very few), and play for his grandpa's college summer development team that was made up of fairly top-tier college players getting in their reps. Her son had "commited" to Tennessee as incoming high school freshman. Played two years at Tennessee, then signed with the Texas Rangers last years after the College World Series. Might have heard of him...Dylan Dreiling. He was the College World Series, Most Outstanding Player last year. Hoping to see him in the major's, but that will be a tough task. Those guys at the top tier are something else.
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