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Mark (EC,IN)
Posted 3/21/2025 10:28 (#11156320 - in reply to #11155963)
Subject: RE: substance abuse and posting . . .

Schlegel Farms, Hagerstown Indiana
iseedit - 3/21/2025 06:01

mikado - 3/21/2025 04:54 I don’t know what your beef with jd4930, is Bob but I think you need to lay off. I view jd4930 as a very good poster. We’ve viewed things differently on occasion…but that’s life. Say where we stand and move on, don’t hold a grudge.

When you are a long time AgTalk member, a guy gets to know those that may need help and have substance abuse issues, as they contributions and the context show it . . . . . . Not you, but old bob from time to time and there are others, from time to time. 

Maybe it's not the real Bob.

Maybe this is a plant left when the spaceship, or Bigfoot, or whatever it was that Bob warned us about a couple of weeks back, and they took the real Bob.
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