Barry County, MI | I've had several kids play on my teams mostly asa softball teams back 34 years ago that being said the strongest the competition and the most frequent competition he can get is a plus a couple hundred swings a day . I always had my kid hit fifty swings on game days before school. Is your boy a freshman now or 8th . farm kids that work and want to play ball and get a lot of time are tough to keep them on a bench good luck I cant believe that kid is that old already . Now my best farm budy in Ohio he had a grand kid that his family moved to Mississippi for his last 2 or 3 years of high school . and he was raised to be a pro baseball player but his mother is an attorney so they could afford it his dad a contractor , It hasn't been easy but he is 6 f 2 inches can hit the ball a mile; but Detroit signed him out of high school and he got COVID and that slow him up . but hopefully he well now , In 2024 he signed for several million and did pretty well . his name is Colt Keith and is from a farm family by the way , yes play in collage with a baseball team south of interstate 70 ,Brad I have a friend I still call once a year or so that lives outside of king City . he's about 85 now Gary glisp he has a 40 I believe west of town archie ps if it is to be it will
Edited by archie63 3/20/2025 17:00
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