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Solar panel output
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Posted 3/20/2025 09:50 (#11154955 - in reply to #11154430)
Subject: RE: Solar panel output

West Central Illinois
Angus8335 - 3/19/2025 21:23

Could a person run a 10 hp 3 ph motor for about 15 minutes, 3 different times a day about 2 hours apart? Motor tag says 28 amps 230 volts 3ph. That should = 6440 watts. Does a solar panel that is rated 550 watts output, deliver 550 watts? Would 12) 550 panels be enough? Would I need a big lithium battery? Can an inverter deliver 3ph? Can I also draw single ph from the inverter? Just weighing options. TIA... Dennis

What is the 10hp motor running - bin fan, water pump, or other?
As others have mentioned, a vfd might be cheaper to add to a single phase converter compared to buying 3 phase inverters. Plus a vfd can greatly reduce your starting amp load which will save lots on buying an inverter.
Are you wanting this to operate automatically with no one around?
While lithium batteries have come down in price they still are expensive for the wattage you need.
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