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Solar panel output
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Posted 3/20/2025 09:10 (#11154903 - in reply to #11154430)
Subject: RE: Solar panel output

Winkler, Manitoba Canada
Angus8335 - 3/19/2025 20:23

Motor tag says 28 amps 230 volts 3ph. That should = 6440 watts.

Your power calculation forgot to compensate for 3 phase power. Multiply your answer by 1.732 to get closer to a correct answer. Really need to compensate for power factor as well, but that is a smaller factor.

If you have single phase power available a vfd could be employed to run the 3 phase motor. I do not think it is practical to do what you are suggesting otherwise.

The timing and interval of your proposal suggests you are pumping water. I believe the companies who provide a solar solution to do that use DC pumps that will run at varying speeds depending on the power available. An AC motor will not function well under that scenario.
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