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How Many Deer Accidents Have You Been Involved In?
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Posted 3/20/2025 06:11 (#11154676 - in reply to #11154644)
Subject: RE: Some people hit em and some dont

dri - 3/20/2025 05:30

My wife has hit several but I travel the same roads, drive 3 times as many miles , faster, and havent hit a one. Have a couple of neighbors that hit a couple a yr each, traveling the same roads.
Maybe the peripheral vision is different for each person? Or attention to driving?

4 of my deer wrecks have happened where corn is planted almost to the road..You never have a chance to even see them...I dont drive fast either..One hit my drivers door at 5 AM in the morning when I was going 30 mph...I thought that I had hit something with the front..I backed up and saw nothing so went on..I stopped for gas 20 miles away and with the light I saw the $2500 damage..The one where I totaled a vehicle happened a split second after I had just met a vehicle at 11 PM on a major hiway...I first saw the big buck just as I hit him..He too came out of a corn field.

The comments have been interesting....Thanks everyone..
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