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The Arizona Commemorative Air Force Museum-Mesa
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Posted 3/19/2025 21:29 (#11154438 - in reply to #11154186)
Subject: RE: The Arizona Commemorative Air Force Museum-Mesa

If anyone is looking for another museum I would recommend the Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum in Hood River, Or. Happened upon it last May and spent a couple of hours there but it was an eyeopener. Definitely hundreds of aircraft and maybe 50 cars. Airplanes go right back to the Wright Bros and they have a comprehensive collection of civilian aircraft up to about 1950. The place is huge and as neat as a pin. All exhibits are privately owned and many of the planes are airworthy and flown. Stearman rides are offered many weekends. They are located adjacent to the Ken Jernstedt Memorial Airport at Hood River.. Watch out for Mount Hood!

Edited by Cured 3/19/2025 21:31
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