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How Many Deer Accidents Have You Been Involved In?
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John Burns
Posted 3/19/2025 20:10 (#11154294 - in reply to #11153641)
Subject: only 3 - I'm an underachiever

Pittsburg, Kansas

We were test driving a brand new vehicle off the dealers lot when a deer hit us. Actually a car on the opposite lane going the opposite direction hit the deer and ricocheted into the car we were driving. Our insurance got to pay for that test drive.

Then I hit a deer while on a motorcycle and got a life flight to a bigger hospital.

Oh and wife hit one with a very low convertible (Toyota Spyder) and it crashed in the hood but went over the top of the car without touching anything else. She just clipped the legs right out underneath it. In a convertible it could have been a bad deal for her. Car was about 3 weeks old. She still has it. 

So I guess it is only three for us. Thankfully. Been lots of other opportunities.

Edited by John Burns 3/19/2025 20:11
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