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Things beginning to get green and bloom around here
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AR Plowboy
Posted 3/19/2025 19:50 (#11154252)
Subject: Things beginning to get green and bloom around here

East Central Arkansas

Some of the pictures really didn't catch what I was beginning to see but in some your can see the green. It won't be long the trees will be full of leaves.

(IMG_9508 (full).JPG)

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Attachments IMG_9508 (full).JPG (161KB - 15 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9509 (full).JPG (163KB - 13 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9510 (full).JPG (168KB - 15 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9511 (full).JPG (173KB - 15 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9512 (full).JPG (166KB - 15 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9513 (full).JPG (173KB - 14 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9514 (full).JPG (205KB - 14 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9515 (full).JPG (169KB - 16 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9516 (full).JPG (187KB - 14 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9517 (full).JPG (187KB - 14 downloads)
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